Elf Character Design

I imagined an elf who had fled a cult-like government to live in a community of escaped elves in the woods. The elf's scars were intended to tell a story of past struggles and punishments for not following strict religious doctrine.

Robin Film Design

As a fan of Teen Titans, I recently decided to redesign Robin for a potential film setting. I modernized his costume, incorporating new technology and updated the design to make it more believable in a live-action setting.

Sci-Fi Character Design

I designed several iterations of a character as part of the sci-fi project I have been working on. This has helped me to get a stronger idea of who the character is, and allowed me to flesh out several different design ideas.

Captain America Forest Combat Outfit

I designed a forest combat outfit that Captain America could use for a film set in a forest or jungle landscape.

I thought it would be fun and interesting to design what he would look like at the beginning of the film as well as at the end.

007 Outfit Variations

I designed some outfit options that Daniel Craig’s James Bond could wear. I had a lot of fun designing clothing for an existing character with a long history and an established style and personality.

Fantasy Prop Designs

I took some time to practice designing fantasy props. I find a lot of satisfaction in taking a rarely thought of object and designing it to be interesting and to fit well within a fictional world.

Co-op, Sci-Fi Character Design

In my spare time I’ve started a new project designing characters that would fit into a multiplayer co-op sci-fi game. I’m working hard to give each character strong, individual personalities, as well as making their roles in the group clear.

Val-Zod Fan Art

I was super excited to hear that Michael B. Jordan will be playing Superman so I created some fan art to explore how this could look.

Character Outfit Variations

I did some different outfit variations of the characters featured in my detective project. I wanted to account for different weathers and dress codes whilst sticking to a consistent style. This helped me build a much stronger understanding of these characters, and I would definitely consider experimenting with this with future character designs, as I feel it helped me define the characters personalities much more.

Commissioner Character Design

The last character design as part of my detective project. This character would serve as the commissioner of the precinct that the protagonist works at. Next I plan on creating some clothing variations for the characters to help provide different options that could be used throughout the game.


Continued T-Shirt Tests

In-between other projects I have continued to experiment with my t-shirt designs. I wanted to see if I could create something interesting and graphic with just a portrait.

Continued T-Shirt Tests

I have been spending some time creating more t-shirt designs. The below example is an attempt to use more graphic colour to create a more eye grabbing image, which I feel would work well on a t-shirt.