Continued Detective Project

I have designed a second character as part of my detective story project. It has been a new and fun challenge for me to design interesting characters without leaning on sci-fi or fantasy elements to help make the character interesting.

Detective Character Design

I have started a new project set in the modern day, following a young detective going through intense and emotional life changes. We would see how turbulence in his life affects him in his detective work as he becomes progressively more manic and unstable.

I began the character design process with a brainstorm of who this character is. I wanted to have a strong understanding of his insecurities so that I could incorporate this into his design, as this would be a large element of the story and I wanted it to be present visually.

Next, I began thumbnailing, trying to generate ideas on how to represent this character’s emotions visually. Once I created a thumbnail I was satisfied with, I refined and rendered the character.

TESR: Shoes of St Rilms

Working further on the TESR: Skywind project I was tasked with creating the Shoes of St Rilms quest item. These are shoes that were worn by a noble woman before being donated to the homeless. I designed them with this in mind, making them look worn and patched up showing years of use.

I started the design process by generating several quick thumbnails before further rendering and designing based on the feedback I received from the Skywind team.

See more of TESR: Skywind at:

TESR: Skywind Spider Daedra Design

I signed up for the TESR: Skywind project and was tasked with designing the Spider Daedra, as well as creating the turnaround. I first generated several thumbnails and refined them based on feedback until the Skywind team was happy with the design. I then fully rendered the design, and created the turnaround preparing it to the handed to the 3D department.

TESR: Skywind is a passion project aiming to remake The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind with a newer engine, bringing modern graphics and assets to Bethesda Games Studios’s critically acclaimed game.

See more of TESR: Skywind at:

Star Wars Fan Art

As a big fan of the Star Wars franchise I had some fun designing a character that would fit within the Star Wars universe.

Final Fantasy/ Horror Project Work

I wrapped up the Fantasy/ Horror project by designing a character, two creatures and several weapons and props.

Sci-fi Character Designs and Turnaround

Finishing the Sci-fi project that I’ve been working on, I created two more characters and then drew a turnaround for a previously designed character. I designed one last villain character who would fill the role of a dark paladin. I also created a character that would serve as the hero of the story and is based on the archetype of a ranger.

Brutish Sci-fi Character Design

Following on from my previous sci fi project, I’ve designed another character. Experimenting with body shape, I designed this brutish figure to accompany the previously designed character in working for an authoritarian government to track down and eliminate rebellious civilians.

Mentor and Ranger Character Designs

I’ve designed a character that would serve as the mentor figure for the protagonist within my fantasy/ horror project, as well as a ranger figure that the protagonist would encounter.

Level Design

Continuing my fantasy/ horror project, I’ve created a number of keyframes, callouts and a level outline for a level that would be featured in the video game.

The initial mood shot is where I developed a true understanding of what I wanted the level to look like. I used blender to help with the perspective and help me decide the best placement for the houses and structures within the shot. I collected an extensive amount of reference to make an image that appeared more genuine and interesting.

I then proceeded to draw the shot out in line to best design each detail. I rendered and painting up the mood shot, trying to create an image that would grab the attention of a viewer, whilst building a stronger understanding of how the level would feel overall.

In the designing the level outline, I designed one pathway to appear to be traversable via construction platforms. This way the player would have to do some dangerous platforming to make it through this path, but would be rewarded with an easier final battle, as the enemies would be spaced out differently.

Second Keyframe_5.jpg

Player Character Design

I’ve been working on the design for what would be the players character for my fantasy/ horror game project. The game would be played from a first-person perspective, and the player would use a combination of melee weapons as well as spells for crowd controlling the horde like enemies.

For this reason, I made an effort to show that the character was capable of melee combat, as well as having skills with magic. I made a clear differentiation between his melee arm as well as his magic casting arm.

As this would be a first person game, I paid extra attention to the details on his forearms, as this is what the player would be viewing for the majority of the time.

Elven Chancellor

Continuing designing an elven civilization for a university project, I’ve now designed a chancellor level character. On the first design of the character, my lecturer gave me feedback saying that the character was a bit dull and that I should push harder on the cultish elements of the civilization I am designing my character for. Following this direction, I redesigned the character to appear more obsessed and crazed over their religion.

Elven Civilian

I’ve been working on a different project for university, in which I’ve been assigned to design a series of characters to show the hierarchies of an elven civilisation of my own design.

Christian architecture and history have inspired my first design, as I’ve decided to explore what a civilian that lives under the rule of a religious cult like government would look like.

I see this civilian as being law abiding, having self-flagellated and self-mutilated in the name of his religion.

Fantasy Zombie Design

Continuing my fantasy/ horror game design project, I’ve designed a zombie character that would be used a generic enemy NPC. I wanted him to look deformed by a curse, and so I added limbs and pieces of anatomy inspired by crustaceans. I also made sure to equip him with clothing that made it clear that he had lived a regular human life before becoming zombified.

Within the context of the gameplay, this type of NPC would serve as one of many horde type zombie enemies, applying pressure on the character through sheer numbers. The player will need to control the enemy horde using crowd control spells as well as through the environment, such as thin corridors that only a few enemies can pass through at a time.

Witch Character Design

Following up on my previous work of exploring and designing a fantasy world that could be used as the setting of a video game, I designed this Witch character.

I designed this character with the idea that the player would experience a random encounter with her whilst playing within the open world, and this would help make the world feel alive and fleshed out.